May is National Celiac Awareness Month
Just because you have not been diagnosed as “Celiac” doesn’t mean grains are great for your diet. Dr. Bob, “The Drugless Doctor” has written this informative article on grains and inflammation :
Whole grains have been catapulted to the forefront of the “good to eat” category by food manufactures and the media as a healthy foundation to one’s daily diet. Grains are commonly categorized as wheat, barley, rye and oats, and are often a main ingredient in many processed food products. I have noticed over the last thirty-five years of being in active practice, that grains and choices of foods with grains, have multiplied to be in nearly every meal on our patient’s diet journals (bread, pasta and pizza are the top favorites).
I recognize everyone I treat desires to be healthy and want to eat foods that are best for their long-term wellness. I also understand there is a lot of confusion what is considered to be a healthy food choices because of what I consistently see when I review food journals the patients document. I continue to notice patients who have pain and inflammation usually start their day with a type of wheat product; either white or whole. This concerns me because there has been a movement to promote grains as a healthy food. Patients unknowingly continue to eat grain-based food, which is a factor known to cause pain to be somewhere in their body. It has been suggested up to 126 million Americans woke with pain this morning, and it was also recently reported over sixteen thousand people accidentally over dose on pain medications annually.
I am familiar with the renewed emphasis on gluten and digestive distress in the manifestation of celiac disease but I want you to know the problem or pattern is much more than that: Gluten sensitivities create distress in the cardiovascular, nervous and other body systems. I am convinced the seeds used to produce grain products in America have been manipulated to the point of extreme hybridization where the altered physiology resulting from these distorted grains sabotage normal cell function. I consistently look at patients, and those in attendance at functions I speak, who have the pattern of inflammation that precipitates pain; their skin is swollen which can be easily noticed by observing the dimension of the wrists (they are swollen or puffy and it is difficult to see the bone structure). It is even more apparent when they nod their heads in agreement as we dialogue about pain and grains.
Oatmeal is one grain that is consistently on every patient’s diet sheet. I am not saying oatmeal has not been helpful for some to reduce cholesterol levels, but I know there are other vegetable-based menus that can lower cholesterol without the side effect of pain and inflammation.
As our theme this year, there is a number to assist you with this article. It is very possible if you had a pastry or wheat toast this morning for breakfast, it impacted a number in your body called gliadin that is a version of gluten.
There is a protein in grains called prolamin that can be broken down into other several categories for grains (rye, wheat, oat and barley), the most common of which is gliadin found in wheat. I have noticed patients, who are consistently tired, exhausted to the point of collapse, suffering with hives, back pain, craving salt and carry extra abdominal fat have a positive gliadin outcome with the Adrenal Stress Index test.
From my experience, products with the components of any of the common grains may be a stealth factor for many of the common ailments you and your family contend with. Gluten which is the “catch all” term used for the protein found in these foods, literally coats the inside of your intestinal wall preventing the absorption of vital nutrients and is looked upon as a foreign invader in some creating an alarm to go off which often results in water retention (the swollen wrist) and migrating body pain – traveling from joint to joint. I consistently notice whole grains in patient’s diet journals that tend to always have a chronic pain syndrome. I also want you to know the science of assessing the effects of gluten (gliadin in this case) is still developing.
You may be avoiding the obvious grain-based foods but there may be some hidden glutens in the form of other foods like caramel. Caramel coloring is sourced from barley that also is a source of gluten. You may be watching your grain consumption carefully, but not realizing the brown colorings in many of your diet choices are actually gluten. Caramel coloring is used to color sodas and other beverages and it is also used to color bread to look healthier.
– Gluten-based foods can be a source of inflammation including joint pain.
– Gluten can be found in hidden sources including caramel coloring from barley.
Thanks Dr. Bob !
You can find out if you are sensitive to Gluten or grains during my food sensitivity analysis done locally or by Saliva or DNA testing. Find out more: