Jump Start Your Health in 2014!
Jump Start Your Health in 2014
Get Real 14-Day Plan with FREE Preferred Customer Membership
Order by December 31st to be included in our January12th ~ 14-day Program.
Products will ship the week of January 6th.
Our first Plan : Get Real
| A guided 14-day plan for busy moms, dads, and anyone looking to lose weight, boost energy and kick cravings.
It’s time to “Get Real” about your health—time to focus on you—because a healthy family starts with a healthy you. The Get Real 14-day experience was specifically designed by FamilyWellness Coach Angelle Batten for people who “don’t have time” to cleanse —specifically busy moms and dads,as well as on-the-go professionals and everyone who wants a hassle-free way to jump start their weight loss, kick their cravings and boost their energy.
The Get Real program combines healthy foods and beverages, shipped from our farm to your home, and a simple, guided 14-day plan complete with daily menus and quick recipes.
The biggest difference in the Get Real program is that we guide you! We offer coaching and a shoulder to lean on via our private Get Real Facebook Group and daily emails that encourage and share our favorite tips and cleanse secrets. Finally, our Get Real eBook simply and clearly outlines just how easy it is to cleanse.
The Get Real 14-day Experience includes everything you need to be successful:
•Suero Cleanse Bronze (eighteen 16-oz. bottles)
•Plain Amasai (six 16-oz.bottles)
•Terrain Sacred Herbs (one 15-oz. bottle)
•Get Real eBook
•Personalized Coaching and Guidance in the Exclusive Facebook Group
•Daily Email Guidance
•Quick and Easy Cleansing Recipes
•Cleansing and Detox Tips and Guidelines
•Live and/or Recorded Calls with Bonus Learning and Personalized Support
•A copy ofLive Beyond Organicby Jordan Rubin
Price $179.00 (Free Shipping)
Our Second amazing plan : Get Fit
| A guided 14-day plan for anyone leading—or seeking—a more active lifestyle with foods that fuel fat loss.
Get Fit is a dynamic program that seeks to get you moving, unlock your energy potential and help you burn fat. Designed by Dr. Josh Axe, the Get Fit program combines fitness training, fat-burning foods and energy-boosting supplements designed to remake your health in just 14 days.
Perhaps the best part about the Get Fit program is that we stand right beside you the whole time! We offer coaching and guidance via our Get Fit Private Facebook Group, daily emails with fitness and diet tips, and our Get Fit eBook that simply and clearly walks you through the easy 14-day program.
The Get Fit Program includes all these:
•Suero Cleanse Bronze (eighteen 16-oz. bottles)
•Plain Amasai (six 16-oz. bottles)
•Terrain Omega Powder (one 16-oz. bag)
•AdaptGen (one 60-capsule bottle)
•Get Fit eBook
•Personalized Coaching and Guidance in the Exclusive Facebook Group
•Daily Email Guidance
•Simple, fast recipes designed to maximize fat burning
•Fitness tips and guidelines
•Live and/or Recorded Calls with Bonus Learning and Personalized Support
•A copy of Live Beyond Organic by Jordan Rubin
Price $239.00 (Free Shipping)
Order NOW
Our 3rd program is : Get Well
| A guided 14-day plan from Maker’s Diet Revolution author Jordan Rubin, for those who need to restore their gut, rebuild their terrain and reclaim their health.
Have you ever thrown your hands in the air and wished that you could simply feel better? The Get Well plan was designed by Jordan Rubin to give your health a true Jump Start by taking 14 days to focus on where health really starts—in your gut.
As with all of our Jump Start health programs, the Get Well Plan offers coaching and guidance via our private Get Well Facebook Group, daily emails with meal plans and health tips, and our Get Well eBook that guides you through the entire 14-day journey.
The Get Well Program Includes:
•Suero Cleanse Silver (eighteen 16-oz. bottles)
•Plain Amasai (six 16 oz. bottles)
•Terrain Omega Powder (one 16 oz. bag)
•Terra Firma (one 90-capsule bottle)
•Get Well eBook
•Personalized Coaching and Guidance in the Exclusive Facebook Group
•Daily Email Guidance
•Simple, fast recipes designed to maximize fat burning
•Fitness tips and guidelines
•Live and/or Recorded Calls with Bonus Learning and Personalized Support
•A copy of The Maker’s Diet Revolution by Jordan RubinPrice $279.00 (Free Shipping)
This is the time of year to think about starting out 2014 healthier! What a better way than to work on a 14 day program that you can use and keep for the rest of the year! Whether you are a busy mom, looking to be more fit or need to see improvement with a health condition ~ this is the best way to start the New Year!
If you have any questions about Beyond Organic or how to start this program, you can email me @ liveorganic@palmbeachnutrition.com
Here is to an amazing New Year in 2014!
Kim Butler
Founding Independent Mission Marketer
Health Coach & Nutritional Counselor
Senior Vice President
Leadership Advisory Counsel
Beyond Organic™
The Most Innovative and Comprehensive Health & Nutrition Company on the Planet
Cell ~ 561-339-6912