I Started the New Year with a “Real” Eating Plan

My husband Danny and I completed two of the new Jump Start Programs from Beyond Organic on January 25th.

While we do eat pretty well and “clean” ~ or shall we say “GREAT” compared to the Standard American Diet, this was a good opportunity to stay on task and be accountable to eating the right things for 14 days.

So, what are the Jump Start Progams you say??  Well, first, Family Wellness  Coach Angelle Batten has been very successful leading her clients through a program that was “ Real” ~ specifically busy moms and dads, as well as on-the-go professionals and everyone who wants a hassle-free way to jump start their weight loss, kick their cravings and boost their energy so she called it the GET REAL program. From there, Dr. Josh Axe got involved and helped to create the GET FIT program  A dynamic program that seeks to get you moving, unlock your energy potential and help you burn fat.  The GET WELL plan was designed by Jordan Rubin to give your health a true Jump Start by taking 14 days to focus on where health really starts—in your gut.

Danny went through the “GET FIT” program and I did the “GET REAL” program.  To be honest, sometimes we combined the programs so we could eat the same meals together.  Each program comes with its own unique eBook with details for each day in the 14 day plan.

It comes with Recipes and grocery shopping ideas.  You are invited to join a Facebook group specific to each program.  You can read and “talk” to others going through the program with you.  It was so very encouraging to see the frustrations, answers, ideas and successes shared on Facebook.  We received daily emails which reminded us of the plans for the day along with encouragement to keep going.

While we do eat very well and weren’t trying to lose a lot of weight, together we lost 5 pounds, felt less bloating and our meals just  digested better.

These are great programs on their own; but then when you combine the amazingly healthy Beyond Organic products ~ you have a winner!!   The plans are affordable and you can take the recipes and new eating habits with you for a lifetime.  These programs start every two weeks and you will receive a FREE Preferred Customer membership along with FREE shipping.

Find out how you can get started!

Kim on anniversary cruiseKim Butler is a Health Coach and Owner of Palm Beach Nutrition & Wellness.  She and her husband Danny are Senior Vice Presidents with Beyond Organic, The Most Innovative and Comprehensive Health & Nutrition Company on the Planet.
